
Troy, Penny, Noah, Rowen

About Us

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Along life's way He has allowed us to share life with each other and loaned us two beautiful children, Noah and Rowen. We believe God's call on our life is to share the Gospel cross-culturally. We currently live in Verona Italy. In order to do what we do, as employees of Avant Ministries, we are responsible to find our own investors for our on-going ministry needs. We are at 89% of the pledged monthly support needed to keep us on the field. If you are interested in supporting or want more information, please contact us. troyt13@yahoo.com
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In the last week or so

We are getting to know each other. Noah has a love/hate relationship with "sister". Rowen is getting better at nursing. The house is a wreck thanks to a tied up mamma and a busy little boy :) And, with a big sigh at the end of the day, Troy and I look at each other and say, "two is plenty."


We are home!

We came home April 1st -no fooling! It feels so good to be home together as a family. Noah loves his sister. He has tried to be very helpful -making her take her a passifier, roughly rocking her bouncer seat :)
Rowen is doing great. She is healthy, up to 5lbs. now!! We are adjusting just fine. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.