
Troy, Penny, Noah, Rowen

About Us

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Along life's way He has allowed us to share life with each other and loaned us two beautiful children, Noah and Rowen. We believe God's call on our life is to share the Gospel cross-culturally. We currently live in Verona Italy. In order to do what we do, as employees of Avant Ministries, we are responsible to find our own investors for our on-going ministry needs. We are at 89% of the pledged monthly support needed to keep us on the field. If you are interested in supporting or want more information, please contact us. troyt13@yahoo.com
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I am home only to blog about my new home :)

It has been a busy week of walking, discovery, and tantalizing views!  Today is my first day home from spending 6 days in Italy.  It was great to spend time with Brea and Hannah!  I think we found an apartment.  The process is strange ...kind of like buying a house here -but not.  I will blog about it as soon as we know something.  Troy is going to Verona tomorrow ...and his goal is to finalize the "deal"!  I hope to have good news sometime soon.  Following is my week in pictures :)

The apartment -living room

What could be our view

Kitchen -notice there is NOTHING in it :)

Bathroom -yes that is a bidet.

Elevator -it's the size of a phone booth and you have to open this door first

Next few pics are views from the city

The Alps!

Look closely ... you can see the Eiffel Tower!

Italians have perfected coffee!

If you know Noah, you know this is a must do!

McDonalds!!!!  We won't go hungry :)

A park very near our apartment


Go, Go, Speedracer!

Highlights of the week:  I met a very good friends new baby, Annika.  I had a date with my hubby. We bought a bike for $2.99 for Noah! Oh, and we purchased plane tickets to visit Verona!!!!  I leave Tuesday and couldn't be more excited. Here is the week in pictures :)

Sweet Annika Claire Baldwin

Had some friends over for Sunday lunch -kiddos love hang'n together!

Noah on his BIG BOY bike! 

He is all boy and all into this new bike thing.  It is tooo cute!

Look at me One hand :)

Rowen put her "pot-stick-el" in the frig. so it would be "fresh and frozen"


Spring has sprung into summer!

So where did the greatly anticipated spring go??  After a long winter that would not stop, we now have summer!  It is a balmy 80 in good ol' MC, KS and tomorrow is predicted to be 89!!!  Break out the sun screen ...the Taylor kids are out!!!!!

Rock'n it.

Does my cuteness ever stop? NO IT DON'T :)

my eye (why ? idk) but I think Rowen's looks like mine.

Rowen's eye -what a great blue!

Summer time friends.  We love our neighbors!

She's hard core

My newest creation: Rocky Road brownie cupcakes.  Presentation A+


And So Are The Days of Our Lives

Rowen received a gift from a good friend.  Knuffle Bunny is his name.  She has slept with him ever since :) 

A picture of Troy -just because.

Homemade bread!  I first made this for my family in IL.  They liked it soo much that I've made it again ...and this time hot dog buns as well.

We like our "dogs" Chicago style.  Yes, that means you top your "dog." Anything a hamburger can do -a "dog" can do!  They were fab!  With fresh, homemade buns, a quality "dog", and all the fix'ns -Troy said it was the best he'd ever had :)