
Troy, Penny, Noah, Rowen

About Us

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Along life's way He has allowed us to share life with each other and loaned us two beautiful children, Noah and Rowen. We believe God's call on our life is to share the Gospel cross-culturally. We currently live in Verona Italy. In order to do what we do, as employees of Avant Ministries, we are responsible to find our own investors for our on-going ministry needs. We are at 89% of the pledged monthly support needed to keep us on the field. If you are interested in supporting or want more information, please contact us. troyt13@yahoo.com
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Summer is here

OK ...so I posted on fb that puke stains marble.  Who knew?! So I attempted to remove it with a mixture of peroxide and baby powder ...didn't work.  It did lighten it a little.  It is not very noticeable -thankfully!

I had to cover it for 48hrs. It seems most things here are a process.

I finally found a gallon glass jug!  This is the seasons 1st batch of sun tea!!!!!

My jungle (as Troy lovingly calls it).  I love it!

Her hair is getting longer.  She is finally letting me "do" her hair.  Her color is astounding!

Noah is my partner when ever I am cutting melons.  He likes to eat it off the rind.  Forget the chunks of water melon, rind please :)

His work = quality

This is fresh basil (basilico) from my balcone.  Pesto is on its way.

Caprese insalta con pesto fresco. -Buono!

New summer cuts. It's funny cuz' one of his teacher said he looked like a skin head and the other told him he looked like a bad boy.  Hmmm ...this is how Troy's hair was on his first trip to try to find us an apartment ...and no one would rent to him.  Hmmm ...correlation??  I guess this is his last buzz :)

My boys.  I sure think they are cute!

One would be hard pressed to get a picture of Noah (awake) without this face.  It really describes his personality -goofy.

Che bella!

Ah the potent cocktail of sibling hood :)  I am noticing that the children look like they don't wear clothes.  I promise they do ...but around the house in non-air conditioned 90+ degrees, underwear is just fine :) (for the kids, for the kids)

Sleeping beauty fell asleep (finally! She is a night owl) hands folded like she was praying. Man oh man is this girl sweet! 
I tend to keep this blog light and fluffy with lots of pictures.  It's mostly for friends/family to keep up with the kids and eye a few fun things about life here.  However, we are coming up on the one year mark at the end of July.  So, the next blog might be a bit more wordy and reflective of our time.  This has certainly been a challenging experience.  It is unlike any ministry we have ever been a part of.  So, I'll take some time to talk about that a little in the next blog.  Would that be OK?  Ciao for now!



We are making progress on potty training!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Not there yet but I just know that before the summer is out Jessie will be able to come out of that box and be her forever friend!  lol look at Jessie -it looks like she is coaching Rowen to "go" for it.  he he.
Kids had an end of the year program at school. We are ready to head out the door.

The program the kids put on had an American Indian theme.

After it was all over ...dinner followed.  The teachers cooked (after the presentation!)  There were no tables, chairs etc... Just kids walking around with bowls of spaghetti or lasagna. (note the WHITE shirts)  No line to get in and get food ...just crowd around and take what you can get.  It seemed very chaotic to us.  But in talking with one of the moms, she remarked at how great an idea this was and how beautiful it turned out.  It very much mirrored the birthday party's we have attended.  Interesting cultural tid-bits

The kids like to load up Rowen's bed and take trips ...not sure where they were headed on this one :) I think they are watching the on-board movie provided by airline Mom.

We had friends over after school for a popsicle.  Girl friends hanging out.

Rowen is having a snack ...she and her princesses are watching Lady And The Tramp while she eats. I love to watch her imagination.


From There To Here ~SC & Verona

I am very thankful I got to spend time with these two ...precious, sweet time!

I also got to see all my siblings.  This is my brother Bob with my dad.

This is my niece Sirena.  She is just as lovely on the inside as she is beautiful on the outside.  On a side note, her sister Madison (and yes just as beautiful) just turned 14!!!!  High School next year!!!  NO way!! 

Me & Mom

Now that is is nice out, the kids are eating breakfast out on the balcony.

Added a home-y touch to the balcony.  Some flowers (fiori) and herbs (erbi)

I've got basil, oregano, sage, mint, unidentified pepper plants, and cilantro

Noah graduated from kindergarten!!  Next year he is an elementary kid -Yikes!