Noah designed his own golf course ...then mastered it :) I am sure his "Papa" is proud.  He is one of a kind I tell ya! 
At school, Noah has been ...oh let's just say energetic and distracted :)  So, the day before yesterday we started a study/homework time at home to help him learn to "work".  He earns stars that help him earn special things a doughnut with daddy, gelato etc.  Yesterday his teacher said he behaved "super Bravo" (a stark difference from the day before).  That combined with the new earning of stars at home pumped him up!  This AM while walking him so school he told me all things he was going to earn by being "super bravo".  The list goes something like this:
1. Gelato
2. A train ride in a bullet train (I think those are in Japan)
3. A weeks vacation
4. A ride on the red bus (a tour bus in Verona that costs like 50euro)

My prompt reply went something like, "I'll talk with daddy and WE will come up with a list of things for you."
I love my boy!