
Troy, Penny, Noah, Rowen

About Us

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Along life's way He has allowed us to share life with each other and loaned us two beautiful children, Noah and Rowen. We believe God's call on our life is to share the Gospel cross-culturally. We currently live in Verona Italy. In order to do what we do, as employees of Avant Ministries, we are responsible to find our own investors for our on-going ministry needs. We are at 89% of the pledged monthly support needed to keep us on the field. If you are interested in supporting or want more information, please contact us. troyt13@yahoo.com
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November 16, 2010

My husband is now 34!!!!!  It was so exciting ...there are no pictures, I didn't get him a card, no present, nor did I bake him anything.  We did get some good family time in at Panera (one of our favorite spots) and dinner with his parents.  Yes.  November used to be a month long celebration of Troy's birthday -but alas, it has dwindled down from a month, to a week, to not even our neighbors/friends knowing November 13 was a glorious day to be celebrated.  Ahh, here is to getting over yourself and getting old ;)
The blog got an update/change (Thank you Brea!).  Look around ...there is now more information about us and  ministry.
Here are a few pictures to hopefully make you smile:

Calzone night -yum.  Kids made their own.

I made dessert banana chocolate pizza.

I built this -yes me Penny Taylor! I succeeded by making everything connect and using every piece!!


N vs. R

So I'm looking at recent pics and video of the kids and these two videos capture the "essence" of Noah & Rowen's personalities -polar opposites!