
Troy, Penny, Noah, Rowen

About Us

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Along life's way He has allowed us to share life with each other and loaned us two beautiful children, Noah and Rowen. We believe God's call on our life is to share the Gospel cross-culturally. We currently live in Verona Italy. In order to do what we do, as employees of Avant Ministries, we are responsible to find our own investors for our on-going ministry needs. We are at 89% of the pledged monthly support needed to keep us on the field. If you are interested in supporting or want more information, please contact us. troyt13@yahoo.com
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Highlights of August

Yep ...still sporting a diaper -UGH. 

Rolf and Troy.  I have to say -my husband is looking mighty debonair and dashing :)

Karen and Rolf drove us to this little town in the mountains.  Breathtaking. 

Every two years Avant has a "All Europe" conference.  All the missionaries serving in Europe come together for one week of worship, community, and teaching.  There was a lot of hype about this conference.  I have to say, it lived up to it.  We had a great week.  One highlight is the green you see in this picture.  We live in the concrete jungle where you have to walk to find the "green" -and never without a parent.  This was right out our front door!  Marvelous! Makes me miss Mound City.  Another highlight was the kids program.  A church from Kansas came and did a VBS with our kids.  Mine LOVED it.  This is sooo special because these are things my kids just don't get. 

Troy -showing off some mad basketball skills.  This boy is fit! :)

Noah connected with several boys -it was awesome to see him playing with his "besties" -no language barriers and no cultural barriers.  The names Ben, Kenan,and Joel are said often.  :) Have no fears ...he was telling his Europe besties about his Mound City besties -too cute!

So, there is this lake 30 min. from Verona.  We hung out there one day and snagged a boat ride. 

This is Noah playing at a rock beach

This is Rowen sitting in time-out at the rock beach for throwing rocks at Noah. 

I often pray that they will always be close, give each other perspective, and sharpen each other. 

Karen and Rolf drove us to yet another little city.  It was Karen's birthday and she wanted to "Facciamo passeggiata" (make a walk).  This was just the cutest little town.

Who says women can't!  These gals are more than just a pretty face.  Now, Mulan should have been heading up this dragon parade -why is Pocahontas in front? 

Speaking of a pretty face ...this one has a mouth the works over time and an imagination beyond compare. 


This blog is NOT about Chik-fil-A!

We drove up a near by mountain with friends to "make a BBQ"  We almost got rained out, but thankfully it passed over and we were able to enjoy the time together

This is Karen -the English teacher at the kids school.  She has taken a liking to Noah & Rowen.  She has lived (and speaks the corresponding languages) USA, Spain, France, Germany, and Italy!!!

One day it rained -all of a sudden, hard and fast.  It flooded our street!  Later I saw large trees down that were up-rooted!  It had to be micro-bursts or something. 

Then we went to a friends lake house.  They have a house that sits on the side of a small mountain that over looks Lake Garda (a famous near by lake) and a fantastic view of the mountains.  Look at Rowen compared to the little boy -night & day :)

They had a slip and slide attached to a real slide.  Big fun I tell ya!

The boys would hold hands and run toward the pool -then JUMP!  In this picture you can see the lake beyond the tree line.  On the way home from this excursion, and while waiting for the bus a cold rain front came in.  All of us at the bus stop crowded into the tiny covering.  Troy and I shielded the children while cold rain pelted our backs.  Some of the tourists said the bus from 2.5 hours ago had not come and they were still waiting!  Ugh.  Thankfully the rain soon stopped and in about 45 min (late) -the bus came.  We were able to get home!!  The buses can be unpredictable -it's always an adventurous gamble to rely on them.

Team Verona
The Taylor family, Hannah Curby and Brea Persing

OK -so bed head struck.  I woke up this way ...the bride of Frankenstein!