
Troy, Penny, Noah, Rowen

About Us

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Along life's way He has allowed us to share life with each other and loaned us two beautiful children, Noah and Rowen. We believe God's call on our life is to share the Gospel cross-culturally. We currently live in Verona Italy. In order to do what we do, as employees of Avant Ministries, we are responsible to find our own investors for our on-going ministry needs. We are at 89% of the pledged monthly support needed to keep us on the field. If you are interested in supporting or want more information, please contact us. troyt13@yahoo.com
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One week down ...

Just some thoughts from the first week: 
It has been a busy week.  Walk a mile here, there, then back again.  Lot's of walking.  It is good though.  I am starting to find ways to get to places ...navigating is hard.  It is not a basic grid so I can get turned around on the winding streets swallowed by building after building.  The tourist spots are thick with people now -avoid!  The city is BEAUTIFUL.  A fabulous view surrounded by God's prize creation that do not realize God loves them ...let's do something about that! 
Being a very domestic kinda girl, I am feeling a bit displaced.  When we heard the apartment would not be available until mid August -zoiks!  That seems forever away.  For the sake of space (and to not overwhelm anyone on the team) Rowen and I are staying with Brea and the boys with the Proctors. So family time is different and shared with others etc...  I will be glad to get settled and make a home for my family. However, the hospitality of our team is tremendous and we are sooooo thankful!!
Today is Sunday ...and we worshiped together at a missionary friends house.  They have been great!  They came with a team from a different sending organization -but their team is no longer and they are here by themselves.  I am looking forward to encouraging them (they already have us!).  It was a sweet time of worship followed by dessert and games. 
We were told the contract for the apartment would be signed tomorrow ...in Italian time that could mean Wednesday :)  Once that is signed, the apartment is ours (minus the wait time for some electrical work)!!  The status: we are engaged now ...awaiting the marriage ...and moving in would be the honeymoon :) It has the largest living room we have seen yet, a great kitchen (It has a KITCHEN!  We don't have to put one in!!!!) and the location is perfect!  Once the deal is done ...I will for sure post pics or video. 
Sorry no pics ...Troy has what I need to get the pics up ...next time. If you took the time to read this -kudos to you :)  Thanks!  


The Last Week

This has been the last week ...still surreal to us.  It has been wonderful to meet with friends and have some sweet moments -but who wants to say good-bye.  Not me!  I will miss our little house, the yard, great neighbors, all of our wonderful friends and family ...our church!  I am thankful that we can stay in-touch easily! facebook, skype, email.  In times past saying "good-bye" was just that ... folks were relegated to unreliable mail service, staying connected was iffy.  Now it is "good-bye ...I'll fb or email when I get there."  Yeah for that!  Here is our week in pics :)

spending time with friends -love you Baldwins!

Thank You church for a wonderful time of worship and time to connect before we left -it was awesome!  Thank you Wendi for this fabulous cake!

So glad Noah got to have time with his special bud Benny!

One last breakfast with the boys.  I enjoyed cooking for them and taking part in "the breakfast club"

Yep -there she is -our life broken down into tubs.  Now, question is will they all make it?  We shall see :)

Caleb has "uncle" in his blood.  My kids LOVE Caleb and Andi

One very special thing to me was to have my sister here!  She and my niece Madi were a huge help ...and we got to celebrate her birthday with her! 

:) Andi & Noah :)

Noah & Rowen's "show" for us on Friday night

WATER PARTY!!!!  Fuuuun!